Thursday, July 16, 2009

Make the most of your life!

Our very last patient today was one that I don't think I'll ever forget. She was a 29 y/o female diagnosed with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)....a very very rare demyelinating disease. It's pretty devastating and causes progressive loss of muscle function, cognitive function, hearing, bladder function. But despite her condition, she was so happy with her life and just lit up the room with her spirit I was pretty in awe of her. So as I'm doing a annual physical on her we're talking and I was struck by how much her personality reminded me of my cousin casey that passed away years ago from Lupus. She too was very sick...but she was always so happy and bright that you would never know it.  Despite my patients condition, she was so smart and inspiring. She was very interested in whether or not I had a boyfriend, which was kind of funny. But she went on to tell me that I was very pretty and that I would meet the love of my life if I was just patient. Another thing that really moved me was how her husband cared for her. Like my cousins husband who was always by her side through all her illnesses, my patients husband seemed to be her angel as well.  She walked very slowly with a walker but he carried her to the bathroom and cared for her like she was his most precious possession. Sounds silly, but i really got emotional just seeing them and how it reminded me of casey.  So after she left the office I read her entire chart and just couldn't believe what this woman has been through, and still had a smile on her face. She told me that despite her disease, she was determined to walk alone on her 30th meant more to her than anything and she was going to do it, no matter what the doctors said. Although its unlikely, I think she can do it. I only met her once, but she seemed like one of the strongest women I've ever met and I'm very happy I met her. 

Just seeing her and the struggles she goes through just to stand upright really moved me. I was going to take the day off but she made me really see how lucky I am.  I came home, swam, ran, and lifted at the gym. I just know that she would give anything to be able to walk, much less that inspires me to get out there and make the most of my abilities and the awesome life I've been blessed with. I and i think we all often forget how lucky we really are. It's good to take a step back and realize that no matter how unfair, difficult, or stressful our lives can always be worse...and our attitude towards life is extremely powerful. It was a great end to the day and I'm really going to try to  smile through even the toughest times and make the most of my my amazing patient and beautiful Casey.  

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