Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thought for the night: Passion!!

So watching the olympics the past couple of days has made me think a lot about passion. I love the olympics because no matter how different the events curling lol...i think its absolutely awesome how passionate all the athletes are about their sport. In my eyes, there's nothing more sad than people who don't have a passion for something. A person with no enthusiasm for anything is boring.  I've known people in my life that don't get excited for anything, don't really care much about anything, and even admit that they aren't really enthusiastic about most things in life...who wants to be around people like that?? I'm not saying people have to be excited about life all the time. But everyone should have something they love right? Something that makes them who they are? Now this shouldn't be a spouse (obviously you love your spouse), or sex (that's obvious), but more like a hobby or a cause, etc. It doesn't have to be something passionate about underwater basket weaving, but that's something!  I hate when people are afraid of doing big things or going all out for fear that they will be judged because they do something "too much".  Who are you to discourage others for doing what they love just because it's not what you love? My favorite dave matthews song says "Some might tell you there's no hope in hand just because they feel hopeless, but you don't have to be a thing like that" and its totally true.

I get frustrated with friends that tell me i need to "calm down" with some of the things I do. "Too much isn't good".....that's what people sometimes tell me. Really!?!?! Since when is enthusiasm not good?  I'm sorry but I'm really not interested in the mundane, over simplified, don't get excited about much kind of life. It's extremely hard for me to understand how people can go through life and not really care and be excited about at least one thing. Maybe they don't allow themselves to or somebody discouraged them. If you're not excited...why even do it? I tend to throw a lot of emotion into just about everything I do, sometimes it's a bad thing, but most of the time it's awesome. Sure you can be disappointed by getting hopes up about something and there's always the chance that you'll fail.  But one of my bosses once told me that if you don't get you're hopes up in the beginning, you've already given up.

So no matter what it is you do...put your heart into it! Even if its something you think nobody likes or is nerdy (i have many of those nerdy passions), or is not popular... be confident, be passionate! Be like the curling people in the olympics who's life goal is to slide a huge silly weight across ice and be the best at clearing said weight's path...they win gold medals for that and its awesome!

Ok that's my thought for the to bed so I can practice my passion tomorrow as I wake very sick people up in the hospital early as hell and ask how they are feeling. lol

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