Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dear Betty (as in Badass, my bike), I'm so sorry for neglecting you...

So today was sunny and beautiful in Kirksville for a change! (well I was still cold of course) So myself and some friends decided to take a ride out to the park. This morning was the first time I rode Betty since about October. Kirksville is NOT conducive to riding in the winter and i decided to start leading spin class rather than buy a trainer in the hopes I'd be on to Arizona within the year. (my wish came true!) So, poor Betty has been stuck in my room, neglected, and just trying to keep her head up the past few months. I realized this morning after just a very short ride that she deserves a makeover. I need to get my new aero bars put on her, get my computer fixed, get my pedals readjusted, and just give her an overall tune up. She's been a trooper but i can't expect her to perform in her current condition. Anyway, just being on the bike today reminded me of how much I love riding!!! (even if the wind was horrible) After this marathon training and neglecting my riding and swimming, i'm not sure Im cut out to be a marathoner, i love the other stuff too much. I guess its pretty safe to say I'm not one of those crazy people that gets hooked on marathons....i'm one of the crazy ones that needs triathlons! But today's ride was nice, easy, and slow...just what i need for my taper week.

Me and Kristen hiding in the slide because it was so windy and COLD!

My poor Betty

Happy easter weekend...I'm spending mine studying for pathology...yay. (*please note the extreme sarchasm*)

1 comment:

  1. today I went to quebec and found the most amazing bike path! along the river, in a beautiful seaside town with a great view of quebec city! there were already some cyclists out...montreal also had some good bike paths i heard. you have to come visit!! :)

    hope it warms up soon for you down there!!
